I broke my toe last night, trippin’ around like a fool in the darkened house.

It wasn’t even the little one, and yes, I did yelp and moan!

I think my daughter heard me, so she probably knows; but I probably won’t even mention it to my girlfriend. She has enough to think about right now. Everybody does. Nobody wants to hear about my broken toe! From my perspective, the pain is not only real, it is somewhat significant. But everybody is experiencing pain right now, and we all know that a whole lot more pain is coming; so focusing on little things seems counter-intuitive. I’m gonna make the opposite argument.

I’ve got a lot of practice at it!

The Fool Trips Over The Universe at the Aeon.


The Fool – Me. I feel like the biggest fool. Especially when it comes to relationship with the ‘Other’ – relationships with family, friends, community, society, environment…

Speaking of family, as mammalian hominids, we remember and honor our family members, even after their passing… And today I remember and honor my late grandmother Dorothy, whose birthday was April 1st. She will always be in the thoughts of those who knew her, and to know her was to love her – for she brought out the very best kind of ‘fool’ in us all – (as the Goddess always does!)


I have not Been Blogging for awhile because I had more important things to write. I did keep up with the blogging (and may upload it someday), but did not feel like editing or prettifying it for da interwebz because I was going through a difficult phase, and it had degenerated into monstrous howlings of a lone wolf who has lived far too long ‘outside the pale’ anyway. I mean, I could go back and polish some turds for y’all and toss ‘em in here soon, so if you care to rummage around later for hidden gems, you’re welcome!

I never did finish the ABOUT: Page either, for the same reason – ‘Portrayal of Persona’ seems like such a chore to maintain! You see, I’m actually quite good at follow-thru and commitment, which is why I rarely actually commit to anything! But if I’m gonna start something at all, it’s gotta be ‘WORTH IT’; so how I start and what I start is pretty important! Creating the ABOUT: Page, however, has become a higher priority for me lately, so look for it to take shape soon!

Awhile back, I started writing some important Notes for my daughters. You know, the ones I should have written and maintained for years! The “In Case Something Happens to Me” Notes that every parent, (especially a single parent), should write, keep and maintain up-to-date copies of… Yeah, those Notes! Finally started a few weeks ago, and they also degenerated into the same victimhood stance; so I stopped. Ready to write again now. Best hurry! One never knows ‘for whom the bell tolls’, nor when ‘it tolls for thee!’ I know it is difficult for young people to pay attention, or to profit from the experience of others – I know it was hard for me – but I hope my own children were able to glean something of value from my many failures and successes as a single parent. I think my daughters are pretty awesome, and have turned out to be great human beings, in spite of all my influence!

I’ve been going through a lot of maturing lately that has had me reexamining my stance regarding conformity – especially enforced conformity. I have continued to work on the Letters I Wish I Could Send; but I still haven’t felt like sharing any of them anywhere. That may change soon… I actually wrote one this morning I may share here today, since it has a bearing on the topic I would like to discuss, and it is fresh on my mind; so here goes:


This is the first ‘Letter to the Editor’ I have ever written in my life (and I may never send even a fraction of it to the newspaper)

Men of principle have always felt alienated by blind conformity. This is no time to continue to alienate men of principle; nor to continue to act like sheeple, blindly doing whatever the mob around you is doing. In difficult times mob rules become even more apparent and starkly perverse. It is men of principle who will be called upon to stand up for the kinds of enforced conformity that we as a civilized society should and should not tolerate. Some men of principle have often felt reviled for not conforming to the status quo when it was clearly wrong. Of course, non-conformity for the sake of non-conformity is as imprudent as conformity for conformity’s sake! (Oh the stories I could tell!) I think it is clear that We ALL Need to Grow Up! Every one of us has a responsibility, not only to ourselves, but to our community. We always have; but now that fact seems even clearer than ever before, to many. We, the People, have often felt hamstringed by our seeming inability to individually accomplish great changes, when up against such monolithic forces as central banks, gargantuan government bureaucracies in the hands of big business, a completely controlled media, and dangerously emulative social mobs telling us how to think and even what words will be allowed to be used by whom… More than half a century of life-experience has taught me it is sometimes better to focus on the little things you CAN change, rather than constantly rail against the things you cannot change individually. But great changes are upon us all now, and there will be many voices attempting to guide our society and community during these times. Maybe yours should be one of them – I know mine is! Men of principle need to step forward and accept the responsibility we have always had – to help shape the kind of society that will serve the best interest of the people. These are the occasions when psychopaths come out of the woodwork to enslave blind conformists and others not paying attention. We, the People, cannot let this happen. Enforced conformity is sometimes necessary, but how it is enforced can have a huge impact on the desired outcome. Let me give you an example. The apartment complex near my house has had a problem for many years with dog owners letting their dogs do their doo on a little berm that slants onto the sidewalk, and people have been stepping in and around the piles on the same 25 foot stretch of sidewalk for years! Not even the new owners have done anything about it, like maybe flatten the berm. No one has ever cleaned the dog poop off the sidewalk – not their responsibility, you see! The City never forced them to change their ways, even with numerous repeated complaints. Yelling at the entire apartment complex at 4am never changed anything either! lol They probably felt my behavior was just as toxic as the irresponsible dog owners, because it was. I needed to grow up. We all do. That never changes, until change itself is no more. If we see a little thing that it is in our power to change for the betterment of all, maybe we should do that! I am an old disabled man who cannot clean sidewalks, but I did manage to bend down and write the words, “What Rolls Downhill?” with sidewalk chalk in amongst the piles, and somehow the message finally got through! That’s all I’m doing here too, with this letter to the editor…

So, what’s the ‘little thing’ I’m writing about this morning? I have always, on principle, refused to pay my City Bill with their automated system because of the $4.25 fee for said ‘service’. Forcing people to do something that makes your life easier, then charging them for the ‘privelege’ was wrong before (which is why I have never availed myself of the ‘privilege’ heretofore); but it is merely asinine now. That this ““policy we cannot do anything about because we use a third party service” has not yet been changed shows a marked lack of mature understanding in a time of need, where death by a thousand cuts may no longer be tolerated by ‘We, the People’. Sure, I could demonstrate for them how stupid their “policy” is by coming in when their offices open up again and by paying my entire bill in pennies or something! But why? Even going in there at all is inappropriate during a time of social distancing, and I am one of those with severe underlying conditions! Waiving this fee (that was always wrong) is within somebody’s power, and I am calling on the City to do their job – protect our community and our City employees. Now that the City offices have been moved out to Timbuktoo, and the world has seemingly gone to hell in a hand-basket, telling people with no transportation to just drop off their payments in the box is not an option either. You have forced us to use the automated system. Drop the fee for it. (or at least lower it to a level that doesn’t feel like rape.) This “convenience” charge was always a charge on ‘We, the People’ for the ‘convenience’ of somebody collecting a $4.25 fee for literally doing nothing! I know. I maintain automated systems online. This is a racket, and everybody knows it – it always has been. This kind of racketeering has had its day in the sun. Somebody’s gonna have to eat that $4.25 fee, but I am a man of principle, so it will not be me. To some that may sound ignorant and dangerous – I should just conform, and pay the fee. Trust me when I tell you, this is a little thing. We, as a society, are soon going to be asked to conform on many levels; and we had better start standing on our principles. This is no time to leave conformity-enforcement decisions to psychopaths, nor to continue to let the foxes guard the henhouse, like we have done for so long. Change is upon us, but we have a chance to shape our own future. I hope we all will find and cultivate those principles within us that will honor the common good.

tl:dr ~ Protect Humans Over Profits

Like I said, I’ll probably never send this letter to the newspaper, because it is too long and they would not read it. But I know some City employees who might find it interesting, so I may drop off a copy with my cash payment (minus the $4.25 fee, of course!)

Dissociated Thoughts:

For psychopaths, times like this are merely opportunities to profit off others’ energies and exert more control – (as it ever was…) How easy it is to control the masses through fear… (carrot and stick…)

Watching ‘leftards’ (labels suck, eh!) spend so much of their energy, for years, on little else but hate, division and promising free candy, reminds me of myself when I was a teenager and thought I knew better than everybody else, was better than them somehow, that they were to blame for all my problems, and that they owed me something! ‘They, They, They!’ Who is this ‘They’ anyway? I mean, I can tell you how badly they suck all day every day, but that reminds me that I never finished another article!…

The We All Suck Article!

Seriously though, none can deny that we all suck. Changes in perspective allow us to see that. Nobody has not missed the mark, even in their own eyes. We should really start cutting each other a little slack – before it is too late. Too late for what, you might ask? Before it is too late to chart our own course as human beings, rather than have our course laid out for us by psychopaths. Weirdly, it is young people and their very non-conformist ways that are most used by conformists to enforce the psychopathic variety of conformity, rather than the conformity of authenticity and integrity. They seem to still mostly be obliviously lining up for blind conformity, helping to enforce their masters’ wishes on others, like the useful idiots they were bred, born and educated to be. I don’t want to go off on diatribes again (he says as he goes of on another one!), nor am I any longer interested in waking the livestock.

The Slaves Shall Serve.

We ALL Conform.

Some feel like everyone should conform in certain ways, while others feel like everyone should conform in completely different ways; but everybody conforms. Everybody wishes everybody else would conform too, at least in the ways they have! So, everybody is a conformist, and everybody is a conformity-enforcer to some degree or another too, from other perspectives.

Many of my friends and family have long looked down on me for being a hypocrite. As though we ALL aren’t hypocrites in some way! They judge me for receiving a Disability check, yet being against Big Government. Some think I do not deserve to even have a voice, since I no longer pay taxes. So who is allowed to speak their Truth? Some say ‘Taxation Is Theft’. I want to have those conversations! I always have, but no one wants to talk about anything that might threaten the admittedly out-of-control government ‘liabilities’ programmes that families forced Grandma to rely on; and every politician knows it is political suicide to talk about taking away anything – even if it holds everybody down. Most folks on Disability (and wage slaves too!) merely want to protect their precious slave-check that holds them down and keeps them from fulfilling their full potential. Not me! I would argue that, as a man who raised two daughters all by himself on the very minimum that Disability pays, which is one quarter of the poverty level in my State, I should be less reviled and more paid attention to, because I might actually know what the hell I’m talking about, having actually lived it, rather than just seeing it from the ‘outside’! Can you imagine what it was like, as a single white male, raising two daughters all by myself in a contemptuous world allied against me, on every level, at every turn? No, you probably cannot begin to imagine. But I cannot imagine your life either! I chose to spend my time raising my children, focusing on them and spending time with them; while others chose to trade their time and energy for numbers on pieces of paper, in order to fulfill someone else’s dream; and have other people raise their children and train them to find their place in the world. It could be argued that raising children is better left to professionals, or that males have no business participating in child-rearing! It could be said that I did not do my ‘job’ as a man, by ‘providing’ for my family – whatever the hell that means! I, obviously, do not make those arguments. Oh, there were trade-offs. I never had much money to buy them stuff. I spent what little I had on experiences. The motorcycle trips (one girl at a time) back to Yellowstone & Devil’s Tower were fun, and so was our trip in Asia! (Yeah, not being tied to a ‘JOB’, and doing home school has ‘other’ advantages too, like being able to go where you want for as long as you want during the school-year!) Try it some time! You might like it! Everybody is getting a chance to spend more time with their children now. I hope they’re not wasting it. Anyway, I will write more about this topic later, and will be exploring other options than our current Government Liability System. But no, I have never felt ‘Disabled’, just because my body is all messed up in so many ways! I have things I can do, and I never counted on Disability anyway. I always knew its day in the sun would be over someday. It looks like that day is soon upon us. It is up to us to create the new system that will grow upon the ashes of the old.

I do not want to contribute to the spreading of fear. There is plenty of that to go around. But I DO Want to Make Sure We Continue to Value Freedom. As we move into a whole New World Order, where ideas like mandatory door-to-door testing, forced GPS tracking devices and chipped vaccinations are all being seriously considered and advocated by many in positions of power, there is a new clamor for authoritarianism. There is actually becoming a demand for it! Centralized control. As a freedom-loving person, I would like to see a more balanced approach. I would like to see the best parts of centralization and the best parts of decentralization be employed; both on an individual level and on a macro-social level. I think heretofore non-conformists, such as myself, who have begun to see the value in principled enforcements of conformity for the common good, guided by authenticity and integrity have a huge role to play right now. Some might even say, “Yuuge!” I would like to explore some of these ideas in more detail over the coming months, and may do so in this blog… But as for here & now, make no mistake about it…. For the psychopaths, this is about knocking down your door and taking away all your freedoms. This is about surveillance on a whole different scale than mere ‘surveillance capitalism’, which was bad enough! Now, you will be tested, and your DNA will be catalogued. You thought tying you to the ALL CAPITAL NAME was Slavery! This is about total control; and about stupid humans, yet again, trading their freedoms for the illusion of security.

Take a Break and Enjoy this little video…


Fear of Germs - George Carlin (language appropriate)

Alright. But we gotta get serious here now too. I think even George Carlin would not be minimizing SARS-CoV-2 were he still alive to do so. But he damn sure would have some choice things to say about how far off the rails we have gone and what kinds of actions or lack thereof will make sure we go further off the rails!

More Disjointed Thoughts:

Capitalism is all about getting one over on another person – taking advantage of them in some way. I think we can all agree that it is not a perfect system, and that its day in the sun is probably over. But what form of socio-economic governmental control will take its place? Socialism? lol, no! When has Socialism ever helped anyone besides an elite few thrive, let alone fulfilled even the most basic needs of the people? Sorry, ‘AOC’, and all the entitled Millenials who think that wealth even can be distributed equally, or that there even is such a thing as equality of outcome, rather than celebrating and protecting equality of opportunity.

Idiot feminist socialists like ‘AOC’ are soon to get knocked back into the kitchen – not because they are females, but because they do not even know how to bake a cake, or prepare a meal, yet they presume to be able to run government! They are products of the compulsory public education system, who know nothing, think they are owed everything by everyone, would presume to know who is downtrodden and why, who is doing the downtrodding, and how best to go about taking everything from those who have anything and redistributing it to all those who have already proven that they don’t actually know what to do with anything!

Tell us what you REALLY think, 'Just-Kiss-It'!

No! We need a merit-based system. Your ‘worth’ as a human being should never be derived from whether or not you belong to a certain protected class (in need of protection, not worthy, less than, an eternal victim), what color your skin is, or what sex you are. Pay attention, people! It is actually those very people who have been shouting “Racist!””, “Nazi!”, “Xenophobe!” at everyone ‘else’ the loudest who most portray those characteristics! Think about it!

We BECOME That Which We Hate.

Speaking of an elite few who rule over the rest, it seems every system devolves into that again eventually. By devolves, I mean stops honoring the whole as greater than the sum of its parts. You see, I think it is most natural that the brain sends messages to parts of the body – orders really – and they do that! I would not let my fingernail make important decisions for me any more than a sane person (not filled with hate) would want a tottering old man with dementia, like Joe Biden, leading a country larger than a postage stamp!

There will always be a few who rule over the many. Most people are born, bred and raised to be livestock – their life’s work and energies harvested and profited off of by others – as it ever was – “The Slaves Shall Serve.” It’s what they do. It is in their nature, inasmuch as it is in the nature of those who rule, to rule.

As it applies to the human animal, this principle is actually, if you think about it, cultivated during our rather lengthy child-rearing days (as compared to other mammals). Parents train their children in ‘the way things be’, hopefully helping them adapt to an ever-changing world. They lay down the law; and children obey the law, or suffer the consequences. The problem is that govenment treats us ALL, even adults, as though we were children, then seems surprised when we sometimes ACT like children! As a society, we no longer foster self-reliance, self-sufficiency, problem-solving skills, or anything else that does not rely on relying on someone else, like big government, to solve all our problems.

Now I’d like to say a few words about the evils that have been wrought by those ‘just trying to help’(PAY ATTENTION! Those who are ‘just trying to help’ ARE the Slavers!) They want to maintain the status quo at all costs. Yes, they want major changes too, the kind that will consolidate their power, and help them control the masses (who are all idiots in their minds – useful idiots, born and bred for their use in creating their reality and ‘helping’ enforce conformity all around.)

Let’s get specific! Bill Gates is a good example. I don’t think he, personally, is evil. (I don’t think anybody is, or that ‘evil’ even exists outside relativity; but that’s another story!) I believe he probably thinks he is doing good for the world. But he does think he is better than most, knows better than most about what they need, and he thinks of himself as their Savior, rather than their Slaver! Ignoring all the other evils he has wrought, let’s take his stance on the Coronavirus…


How we must respond to the COVID-19 pandemic ~ Bill Gates

His stance on the Coronavirus is the same as on everything else. Bill Gates Will Steal Freedom. He believes all humans need to be controlled from on high. He advocates for Enforced Testing, and big data, controlled by the powers-that-be, who know better than us. And who are these powers-that-be?. Well, it isn’t government. Every world government is controlled by the central banks and we actually live in a Corporate Oligarchy rather than a Democratic Republic. That’s why he keeps blaming government for not doing enough. It’s about $$$ & POWER to him. He has enough money to supply every man woman and child on earth with food, lodging and and healthcare for the rest of their lives! But no, he wants your money! Speaking of your money, do you even know where the ‘government’ gets ‘their’ money? Maybe you should educate yourself, before we make all the same mistakes again (during the rollout of the blockchain-based one-world-currency you are all soon to enjoy!) No, Bill Gates has more money and power than he knows what to do with for a reason, and that reason isn’t because he and his kind are beneficial for humanity. They are only beneficial for those at the top of the current power structure – you know, the power structure that is crumbling before your very eyes right now! He only cares about Testing because he cares about big data, population control and social control. He’d also like to save money on equipment. Equipment that could save lives. No, he does not care about human life. Most who pretend to fight for the poor are the worst kind of world-changers. The kind that ‘We, the People’ do not need. His praise for China, Surveillance Capitalism, Big Tech, Big Data and Totalitarianism should tell you all you need to know. But he’s pretty slick, like most other candy-promisers; so leftards continue to lap up his vomit like it was the Ambrosia of the Gods. He pretty much admitted that he was behind pushing climate change during this crisis, he was behind holding up Coronavirus-relief funds for the American people until his precious climate-change bs got added in. He also pushed for intensifying the idiocy of common core in the public school education system, that creates useful slaves for his kind.


While we are on the subject of the elite… I think it is pretty obvious that there are different rules for us and (((them))). They and their family members get into the Ivy Leauge Schools, because that is where the elite go to be educated on how to rule over the less-deserving common man. Nothing in life is the same for them. They do not play by the same rules they force you to enforce on others! Conformists conform, and they force others to conform – FOR THE PSYCHOPATHS WHO CONTROL THEM! Don’t believe me? Who got the Coronavirus Tests first? Was it sick people? Regular people? Healthcare workers? First Responders? No. it’s pretty obvious (((who)))’s been ‘Jumping the queue’, as it were, and they’ve been doing it for Millennia! Will we continue to act like cattle and let them? Probably. If history is any indication.

Don’t we know enough yet to keep from constantly hiring the foxes to guard the hen-house?

I just gotta say…

Things that are Controlled are Boring.

If you want to change the nature of the relationship between classes of people you have to change their thinking. (Ya gotta change their ‘thing’ing too!) This comes about through the education system. Centralized control over a Prussian-style compulsory public education system has created generations of useful idiots for the old economy. Idiots who are no longer useful in the new economy (which is based on information, rather than commodities, now that the elites have already used the useful idiots to pile up plenty of resources for them to control!)

As a single parent, who home schooled, I think my skills and experience are of value in these times, and I plan on further expressing some of my ideas on how to revamp the Educational System – because it needs revamping, and it will be revamped anyway!


I would also like to explore some ideas regarding social control mechanisms. If you’d like to join the conversation, pop on over to https://8kun.top/freedomzine/res/1586.html and make a comment in that thread, or make a new thread on the Catalog Page if you want. As for any sex-toy advertisements you may run into on that site – learn to use adblock! Also, I am through apologizing for using any language I damn well feel like – here, there or anywhere else for that matter – as I am an old giraffe who has earned the right to offend; so either grow a thicker skin or GTFO! Your feefees don’t matter to me. Your kind created me, and all the other people you call ‘sociopaths’; and we’re the only ones who can save your dumb asses from the psychopaths you continue to worship now! It seems that we’re the only ones who were ever able to recognize the psychopaths for what they are. Those the conformity-enforcers drove out beyond-the-pale will now be your saving grace…

You’re also welcome to pile on me for being against big government, whilst collecting a Disability check! My friends and family all do! I’ll provide examples here in a minute; but first I’d like to say that if Johnny Neptune and I can be good friends, even though we disagree about a lot of things, including politics and the way we think things should be – well, if we can get along, then there is no excuse for people we elected to Congress acting like uncivil immature children!


Johnny Neptune, a friend I met years ago on 8chan, was going off on one of his long diatribes today on how much he hates Trump, but how much he loves Cuomo; so I admit I sent this .gif to him, and it seemed to have an effect…


Yup! It had an effect!








Oh, I WILL Respond to THAT!

But it deserves a separate Article. This one is getting too long.

That brings me to the topic of CONTEMPT.

Actually wrote about it a bit over here: CONTEMPT is the TOPIC. systemd is an EXAMPLE.


So, where are we now? Is there anything we can learn from non-duality maybe? Trika Rahasya?

Or maybe the Western Mystery Traditions?

None, breathed the light, faint & faery, of the stars, and two. For I am divided for love’s sake, for the chance of union.” ~ [Verses 28 & 29 of Chapter 1 from Liber AL vel Legis sub figura CCXX as delivered by XCIII = 418 to DCLXVI]

I’m big on polarity. But the poles on this magnet cancel each other out! One might say there really is no unity, or oneness at all! But of course ‘one’ would say that! One might also say that we need Balanced PolarityThe TAO. Male & Female energies, one might call them. One might say that we, as humans, should not be at war with each other – but who defines what the struggle is? What looks like violence to some looks like lovemaking to others. Is everything a matter of perspective? Are we nothing but reflections of the whole? Are we just a viewpoint?

If the Universe is Infinite, then the Center is Everywhere.

Hate to break it to you, but YOU’RE IT! The Center of the Universe is Here & Now, Everywhere Everywhen.

So, just who is encouraging divisive jargon, dissension and constant strife between the people? Is it you? If so, Why?

Just an idea I heard today:

  • Antibodies tests will tell us how many people already were infected with SARS-CoV-2, and will give us a better idea of the true death rate numbers, before civil liberties are gone forever.

I’ll be talking more about Social Structures, and how we can HONOR ALL; rather than getting-one-over-on-‘others’ in the future…

As for now, here’s some more disjointed thoughts:

  • The Top-Down approach does not work. Trickle Down vs Bubble Up? Disgusting! Both of ‘em! How about an Inside-Out, Upside-Down & Backwards Approach! Let me explain:

    • Inside-Out, because there is no ‘outside’.
    • Upside-Down, because that’s obviously how it be; and giving honor to the way it be seems wise. Besides, questioning Authority is ever so much easier when it places itself in the proper position relative to everything ‘else’.

      Can we get a little levity up in here while examining the gravity of the situation, please?

  • Backwards, because “Hindsight is 20/20”. (a saying that only seems to have more meaning this year…)

Yup. I’ll have more to say later…

In the meantime…


inb4 “Why does he frequent pseudonymous image boards?

I’ll just leave this here: http://archive.is/2FLwz

I used to let alcohol be in control of my life, so if you think my shitposting is bad now, you should have seen the old days with Killcen on /n/ !


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